

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Vacation of my life!

So I have been home for a week and a bit now.  Back in my own bed and back to work. And trying very hard to get back into my routine.

I miss my friends in Ontario though. Birdman and the Mrs. The girls, TT Three fingers and O The one eared wonder. And Blue the D.O.G! Scooter and Nana Bird. Bugsy and the Bird sisters. I miss everyone I met there.

Really. It was the best vacation I have ever had. Beautiful country, beautiful people. The wedding was totally amazing! Mrs. B was so beautiful it took my breath away. And I have never seen Birdman so happy. I'm surprised he didn't break his face from smiling so much. He looked pretty good too.

But then, I think we all looked good. I do admit, the shoes were HIGHLY uncomfortable. I was never so happy to slide my feet into my sandals.

I think one of my most favourite people I met was Nana Bird. She stole my heart the first day I met her.  I ended up staying with her for a few days after the wedding. I felt as comfortable there as I would my own Mom's house. And she treated me like I was one of her own. We talked a lot and laughed a lot. I know now why Birdman loves his Mom so much. Really. How could you not love that smile? Her heart is 3 times the size she is.

And the girls! Oh my God the girls! Two of the most polite and nicest kids I have ever met! Funny and smart and talented! But don't EVER drop an "F" bomb around them. I ended up having to buy them ice cream AND slushies. I think I owe them ice cream the next time I come down.

Melvin had a total blast! I think more people knew him from sneaking into bed with Mrs.Birdman then from his facebook page. We have decided that Ontario was his bi-curious time. He came with "K" and I to Church Street and ended up getting into all kinds of situations. There was the spanking in front of Woody's

 There was the young lesbians at Zippers.....

There is a whole post on just Melvin's shenaigans and I promise I will get to the stories.

I think the best part of my holiday, besides seeing a Blue Jays game in Skydome(EEEKKKKK!!!Really!! IN Skydome!), was everyone called me Dustin. That is how I was introduced, that is what I answered to. No one blinked an eye. I was completely accpeted for me and was never questioned on my choices. And I was amazed, AMAZED how many people said they read my blog! That made me so happy! I know Birdman was worried at one point that someone may say something to me that would be hurtful. The complete opposite happened. I met so many positive people that made me feel good and made me feel comfortable.

I was even invited to have dinner with "L" and "J" and thier 6 kids. Yes. I said six. Three are hers and three were his. But they made an awesome blended family. Plus, they had awesome bbq'ed dead cow.

I ended up leaving the wedding dance a little early. Around midnight I think. (Thanks for the ride Chin!) I found that my anxiety level was rising. Not sure why. I felt comfortable and was having a good time. But then, all of a sudden, BLAM! it hit me.  It was nothing anyone said or did, it was just my own mind playing against me. I tried to fight through it. I sat outside for a while and got some air. But the feeling was just too overwhelming. Once I got back to the apartment, I calmed down and my breathing returned to normal. From the pictures that posted, I missed a hell of a party. I am really hoping that by 2014, when I go back for World Pride, my anxiety will be much more under control.

So I am thinking of performing at Dawson Creek Pride this year. Maybe doing "Fat bottom girls" by Queen.


Little Miss Little Miss can't be wrong.....


Monday, June 11, 2012

Dustin’s big city adventure Part 2

So, here I am. Sitting outside a wonderful local cafĂ© in Colborne Ontario. The sun is brightly shining, there is a slight breeze. Which is really nice since it is so fracking muggy here.  I am enjoying watching the traffic go by and soaking up all the small town casualness this place has to offer.

I can’t remember where I left off last time. I think I was at Bird’s mom’s place. Since there, I went into Toronto with K. Who is Mrs. Birdman’s sister in law. We took the GO train and then the subway. That was cool! Never been on either one of those before! We hooked up with her friend E and took off for Church Street. For those of you who don’t know, Church Street is the big gay street in the city. It is also where they filmed Queer as Folk. We sat and had a beer at Woody’s. It was so cool! We checked out a drag queen show, and then wandered around a little bit. We ended up at Zipperz just in time for the drag king show.  K  just had to announce that it was my first time in the city. The king came over and got my name and asked if I have ever been to a drag king show before. I had to be honest and yes I had been. I didn’t want to say that the shows back home were better.  There was one performer who was really awesome. He put on a great show.  The rest were a little lackluster though thy appeared to be having a great time.

Melvin put in an appearance on Church Street as well. We are calling it his bi curious trip to Ontario. He was a hit with the girls and boys! He was drunk on Church Street, ended up in a few cleavages. He even humped the foot of a statue. There was just no controlling him! He did throw a few crumbs my way. I managed to get a few kisses and a few gropes. There was one lovely young lady who wanted to show me what city girls have to offer. But she was really drunk. And I was raised to be a gentleman.  We ended up back at Woody’s in time for last call then took a cab to E’s place.

Holy cow! I thought my apartment was tiny! I live in mansion compared to the little space he shares with his boyfriend. They do have an awesome outdoor porch that they have fixed up with curtains and a couch and a few chairs. It almost doubles their living space. Which is good! I crawled onto the couch at about 3:30 AM I think. I counted down from 20 and was out like a light.

The next day, we headed for Kensington Market. I met another one of K’s friends. And spotted a huge sock monkey! Melvin’s really big brother! If I could have fit him in my suitcase, I would have brought him home.  K and I caught the GO train back to Oshawa then her hubby, R, dropped me off at Bird and Bee’s place. Needless to say, I was a little worn out.

The rest of the time has been spent with wedding prep. Oh and Mrs. Birdman’s daughter, O, was bitten by a dog! Actually, more than bitten. Attacked more like it. Had a hold of her and was trying to drag her into the ditch. Managed to bite off part of her ear! She was rushed to Peterborough and seen one of the top plastic surgeons in the country. He re attached her ear and so far so good. The ear appears to be healing well.  She was such a trooper! Still went to her friend’s sleepover and was still a junior bridesmaid at her Mom’s wedding. All happy and smiley!

I think the best part of being here is everyone knows me as Dustin. I think only Bird and the Mrs. really even know my given name.  I was even called a nice young man by Bird’s aunt. J I feel so comfortable in my skin here. Everyone has been so accepting of me. No looks. No questions. Just acceptance.  Even Mama Bird and the Bird sisters. I have now been adopted into the Bird flock. How sweet is that?!?  Don’t get me wrong. I love my real family a lot. Well, most of them anyway.(Please see previous posts on my siblings.) But the chosen family I have here has made me feel so loved. They are my brothas from another motha and sistas from another mista. And I will love them always.

I will write about the wedding in my next post. I need to upload my pictures and shit before I do anything else.

I knew the bride when she used to rock n roll


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Small Town Dyke in the big city

Well, not so much the big city. More like travelling back and forth between smaller towns, helping Birdman and the soon to be Mrs. get wedding stuff done. But it is amazing here! It is so beautiful! I love all the different trees and stuff. I seen a raccoon last night! Never seen one before that wasn't in a zoo. It was very cool.

After 2 nights at the Birdhouse, I am now staying with Birdman's mom. It was agreed that she would mother me so here I am! I know a good set up when I see one. She mother's me like one of her own, so I guess I pass the Mom test.  I, apparently, have also passed the kidlet test. Mrs.B's two girls, T and O have decided that I am now one of their favourites. Which is very cool. They asked me to help tuck them in the other night.  How sweet is that?!?

There was a little dinner party last night. Steak, baked potatoes and garlic bread. To welcome another groomsman, A, to the fold. Chin also put in an appearance. It was great to see him. I miss his smart assery. We shared a lot of laughs and stories. It was awesome!

Today was spent tooling around the countryside, running errands. After the tux fitting of course. Needless to say, I am HOOOOOT in my tux. It all seems so real now. Now that I have the tux. And seeing the venue where the wedding and dance are being held. It is going to be a rocking good time! Hopefully the weather hold out. Still calling for thunder showers but it is only Tuesday.

Tomorrow, I am not sure what is going on. There was talk of a fishing trip. But I am supposed to go into Toronto with Mrs.B`s sister in law, K. Really looking forward to that! She is going to tour me around Church St and stuff. We are meeting up with some friends of hers I guess. All I know is that I am looking forward to it. Should be a great time!

Anyway, it is just a short one to update everyone on what is going on. I will post more later.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dusty's excellent adventure Part 1

So here I am in Beaverlodge on the first leg of my journey to the east. I fly out of Grande Prairie this afternoon and M was kind enough to agree to take me to the airport and let me park my truck at her house. She is such a good friend. I love her. It is load of my mind that my truck is safe and taken care of. I know it only a vehicle. But it is the first new truck I bought on my own. 10 years ago but it is still mine. And I love my baby truck. Having M watch over it makes me more relaxed.

I have been reflecting the last few weeks about my anxiety. I know that a couple of years ago, a trip like this would have been impossible for me. I was barely able to leave my apartment for work. So flying so far from my safe zone into a big unknown is huge for me right now. Not to say that I don't have anxiety anymore. I do. But I feel more in control of it now. And I am sure it will rear it's ugly head while I am there. But I am hoping that it won't be too serious.

I know I will be surrounded by wonderful people while I am there. That they won't let anything happen to me. I can just transfer my safe zone there.  I thought I might be really nervous standing up front during the wedding but then I realized, all eyes will be on Birdman and Mrs.Birdman. I am just sort of an accessory. A handsome looking in my tux accessory but still an accessory. My excitement outweighs the anxiety. Hell, I walked down the aisle in a dress and heels for T's wedding! I can so totally stand there in a tux.

Do I sound excited about the tux? Well I am!! I have always wanted to wear one. Mom wouldn't let me for Grad and nothing else has come up since then. So I am SUPER STOKED!!

And yes, I am hoping to catch the eye of a single good looking woman while I am there. Someone who wants to see if the backwoods dyke knows what she is doing.

Ladies, for the record, yes. Yes I do

M and E are still in bed. So I am here in the living all by myself. Listening to music on my phone and writing this blog. Someone to talk to would be nice though.

I realized last night that this trip really the first time I will be "Dustin" to everyone. That is how people will know me. That makes me happy. I know Birdman was worried at one point that someone might say something and hurt my feelings. But really, I know he surrounds himself with good people so I am not worried at all. And if a stranger says something, oh well. I have been insulted before. And those strangers don't know me or anything about me. So their opinion doesn't count. So there! PPHHHHLLLLLTTT!!!!

Enough for now. I need to re pack my suitcase. I think I may have brought too much. :/

Sweet Caroline. Good times never seemed so good.
