

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The count down begins.

Whew! A little less then a week away to Oliver's debut. Yesterday, Tasha and I searched every thrift store in town till we found Oliver's look. Needless to say, he will a fashion icon! Well, in his own mind anyway. I was thinking of posting a picture on here this week, but.....I think I will make you wait. I promise to post a video of the performance after the party next week.

If someone of you are still wondering WTF I am talking about, here is a quick run down.

October 27th is the annual Dawson Creek Pride Society's Pride/Halloween bash. There is a show(that starts at 8 PM) followed by a dance. There is a cash bar, an awesome DJ and great tunes. For the show, there are performers from Prince George coming up as well as some local talent.

I am part of that local talent. My drag king, that I have been working on for the last year, will be making his debut on that wonderful night.

It will be a great time! I promise! So those of you who have no plans for the evening, come on to Dawson Creek! Check out Dawson Creek Pride Society Facebook page for more info. Gay, bi, trans or even straight, it will be a fun time! Plus, you will get to see Oliver! I know everyone has been waiting and waiting for it.

Last weekend, while Tasha and I were in Prince George, we had dinner with my very good friend J. She is a drag king in her own right and my mentor in this endeavour. She gave me some great advice on performing and makeup. I think I will be drawing on her strength, long distance, to get through it. Some days I am so nervous I can't hardly handle it. Over days, I feel like I could do anything.

It has been a long road to get here. It sure hasn't been easy. Some days, I have felt like giving up all together. But I knew couldn't give up. I knew I had to push myself beyond my comfort zone. I had to get out of the rut I was in. and I had to do it in a big way. I knew, for me anyway, baby steps weren't going to work. Like when I came out out of the closet. I kicked down the door and embraced my gayness. It is the same with this. No baby steps. Just leap onto the stage and let it all hang out. It might feel like it is going to kill me. But it won't. I know that after the performance, I will be stronger and better then I am now.

J and I also talked about my thoughts on transitioning. How I have thought about it being a want rather then a need. She congratulated me on thinking the deep thoughts and admitting to myself that it may not be in my best interest. and she said that if I was thinking that way, that it probably isn't right for me. And I agree. There are still certain things I can do to make me feel better about me. The name, my self confidence, my body image. I have to admit to myself that I am not transgender. I am a butch. And building myself into a better butch is the best path for me.

My name is Dustin. I am butch.

I want to thank everyone who has supported me along the way. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have my family and friends supporting me. I know there is still a long road ahead but with you behind me, I know I can do it.

So onto  something a little different.

I went to do laundry today. I had my first load in the washer. I looked around and discovered BOTH dryers were out of order. It was too late to stop the washing machine. The clothes were already soaking wet. so I let it run through the wash and rinse cycle. Now what am I going to do to dry the clothes? I am not really into leaving the house to do laundry today.

My solution?

I used some string I had to run drying lines in the apartment. 3 of them. I am drying my socks, underwear and bras on the string. I also have a few pairs of jammie pants and a couple of t shirts laying a various surfaces to dry.

Here. Take a look.

And I still have two loads to go. *shakes head*

Sometimes I thin I should move to a better building.  But I am cheap. I pay very little in rent. And I have been here so long, I don't have to pay a pet deposit. And most others places won't let you have 3 cats.  And to be honest, the thought of packing and moving pains me. I just have to remember to check both machines before I start laundry.

OK. I have to go check my underwear. See if it is dry yet.

Sometimes, I love my life.

The Bro code Article 38: Even in a fight to the death, a Bro never punches another Bro in the groin.



  1. Both dryers were out of order? Oh man that suckeths mightily! You sure had a creative solution for that though. Never forget that you rock :D

  2. Good luck when you get there. Not that you need it, but a little never hurt anyone.

    1. Thanks Birdman. I thinkl it will go ok. I just want to have a good time and meet some chicks. Figured this was a good way to do it.

  3. I'm impressed that you went for the string. I've been known to just lay it all out over the backs of chairs.

    Nice to meet you, my name's JC. I see you know Birdman!

    1. I don't have a lot of chairs. String seemed easier. Though my cats were trying to claw at mydrawers while they were drting.

      Nice to meet you too JC! I have known Birdman for many years. He is my brotha from another motha.
